Sweating is a natural body process. Thermoregulatory functions of the sweat glands are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system which supplies the glands through postsynaptic cholinergic receptors. Even though sweating is a natural process, excessive sweating is extremely uncomfortable for the patients. The problem becomes real when the amount of sweat produced is inadequate to the physiological needs of the body in a given situation.
It is not know why excessive sweating is affecting only some group of people. Excessive sweating is the result of hyperactivity of one of the sweat glands that belong to the exocrine glands category. These glands are located nearly all over the body but the areas of palms, feet and armpits are especially profoundly populated. Normal sweating can be caused by a number of factors. These factors also cause excessive sweating - the only difference is the amount of sweat.
Excessive sweating is caused by factors such as:
Persons with excessive sweating can produce large amounts of sweat. This means their palms, feet, chest or armpits (depending on which part of the body is affected by excessive sweating) become permanently wet.
Botulinum toxin is the most effective known way to treat excessive sweating. The treatment involves intracutaneous injections of the botulinum toxin. Using an ultra-thin needle the surgeon injects a small amount (0.1-0.2 ml) of botulinum solution into 10-15 spots located 1 cm from one another covering evenly the armpits, palms or feet. In some cases, a pigment is used to identify the places where sweating is most intense and where the injection should be made. The procedure takes about 30 minutes. The injected substance blocks the nerves that supply the exocrine glands. This way the excessive sweating is prevented.
What are the effects of botulinum treatment?
The response to the treatment depends on the individual patient. Blockage of the nerve endings by the botulinum lasts for 6-12 months after which time new endings appear replacing the ones that were blocked. This means that the effect of the treatment lasts for several months but eventually disappears. Another treatment can be performed after the effects of the previous have ceased.
BOTOX ® – treatment of hyperhidrosis: armpit (both)
from 1 700zł
BOTOX ® – Botox Lift (3 or 4 around at once)
1 800zł
BOTOX ® – hyperhidrosis treatment: armpits (both)
from 2 000zł
*price depends on the number of BOTOX units used
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